Friday, July 22, 2011

The Stick....

I don't know why, but I just had a feeling...

All day Thursday I just felt different. I didn't know for sure that I was preggers, but I definitely knew something was up. It was a mixture of mild period cramps to pretty severe gas cramps (lovely, right?). I figured that I probably wasn't pregnant, but even if I was it would probably be way too early to tell.

But there was that darn, pesky, nagging feeling that I just could not avoid. So, while watching tv, I boldly announce to Nick my overwhelming desire to go and get a pregnancy test. He thought I was crazy. We hadn't even been trying for an entire month. I was pacified by his answer for about ten minutes. But that damn feeling just wouldn't leave me. I just knew there was absolutely no way I would be able to sleep until I had peed on a stick. At that point I just had to have an answer - whatever it was.

After hurriedly dressing in my usual summer attire of gym shorts and a t-shirt, we were on our way. Oh- I also managed to slip Nick's wedding ring on his finger before we left. I look young enough already, with standing almost 5 feet tall and having braces. I couldnt bear the thought of someone looking at my young face and ringless man and silently condemning me to "moms of bastard children" hell. I do live in south Georgia, afterall.

We finally made it to the Rite Aid. I stealthily went into the store to accomplish my mission - get my First Response pregnancy test and get back out before being spotted by any family or friends that happened to be the Rite Aid at 9:30 on a Thursday night. Nick, however, thought it would be more fun to try to make me squirm while declaring the need for a limitless amount of random items while I clutched my pink box. Finally, feeling a slight amount of compassion, Nick allows us to go to the register and check out.

As soon as we got home, I took my test and ran into the bathroom.

As soon as that was over, I felt a huge flood of relief (some of which was due to the fact that I had been waiting to pee for about anhour). I had three minutes to kill, so I went and made a warm milk with some Cadberry's Drinking Chocolate (yum, by the way!). When the timer finally went off, I made my way back to the bathroom where I saw it TWO PINK LINES!!!

I screamed a Nick that there were two lines, and sheepishly brought him the test. I don't think it really sunk in, and to be completely honest I don't think it will really sink in until we have our first doctor's appointment on August 30 - which seems so long away! I am hoping for a happy and healthy nine months!